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JuliaVictoria 49 F
3  Articles
True love - to me - includes to let go ...   4/20/2005

... I never needed to break up cause my partner cheated on me or started making up weird stories about where he had been and what he had been doing. <br> So far I was lucky and breaking up was always a peacful step that had do be taken due to some kind of development one or both had undertaken. <br> You see - to me - loving someone means to have the wish that I can ...

0 Comments, 59 Views, 6 Votes ,5.07 Score
ur_sky_angel 40 F
1  Article
Without compunction   2/18/2006

A lot of people don't want to lose their soul-mates, they use different ways for that: some of them say they'll commit suicide, they make scandals, another things. And explain these things by their hurt feelings. That's not true. If u really love the person, u'll let him go. If u can't give him what he wants, why u'll do him unhappy? If u love, u'll gather uself up and just will wish him ...

2 Comments, 187 Views, 15 Votes ,4.66 Score
Deanl007 42 M
2  Articles
Why Jewish Women Are Gold Diggers   3/27/2010

It's really hard for a young Jewish guy in Manhattan. Making a Jewish woman happy requires paying consistently (not just on the 1st date) for dinner, presents...
While that may be justifiable in case you are in your mid 30s or 40s, it is almost impossible for a someone is his beginning to mid twenties. Thus, you see the majority of young Jewish women in the same age group date what ...

1 Comments, 65 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Crossing the line   3/26/2005

When does an ex's action cross the thin line between lonely/regretful to frightening? When would you consider getting a no contact or restraining order?

0 Comments, 81 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
ffallsupergal 39 F
1  Article
what's the best way to break up with someone?   7/13/2011

what's the best way to break up with someone?

2 Comments, 89 Views, 6 Votes ,1.66 Score
Tiberij 59 M
5  Articles
How can not break up a gentleman?   2/20/2007

How can not break up a gentleman? <br> Breaking up a long relationship is a painful action. Probably no one likes doing and explaining it to his wife (spouse). So, what can not you do if you are a gentleman and do not love your wife anymore? First of all, you can not tell the truth about the disappeared love because who likes listening to the fact of being not lovable or old? You ...

2 Comments, 108 Views, 7 Votes