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biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Nada, Nada   11/17/2011

Holy, jumping, juniper beans Where did he go- With whom else has he been? Nada, nada, nada... Nada another thought- makings of undue scenes!

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Hook, Line and Sinker   11/17/2011

Blindly-falling hook, line, and sinker Loving every minute of that glorious time Within the realms of love, we will sometimes Musically, with thoughts that quickly crecendo Peaking, harmonious, notes too beyond tomorrow Intertwining joy heard by most judicious of thinkers!

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Maybe.... A Cougar!   11/16/2011

Living a life of the forsaken Facing Life alone and frequently shaken Finding many a good man already taken Too involved to lower their eyes To see a woman short in stature No where nearly ready to let love die Maybe a little up in age, a lady, a cougar!

Ready, willing and able... Hoping for a stallion worthy of her stable Requiring only her hands for grooming True, unconditional, ...

1 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Looking out...   10/5/2010

Seeing his photo was not bad Mixed emotions including the sublime Happiness, longing for, unspoken words too sad Living alone, surfacing to the world at times Life, without him is biding my time!

Having moved on to a new life, home and ways Yet...I return to see if he has changed his way Always looking for a new friend -just another heart to suspend- I cry...I weep...I torment for that I ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Eyes Wide Open   6/5/2009

Through eyes wide open Looking for someone who is also hoping To one day say 'Twas, just my day Finding love this way Thought it would never happen Alas! It surely has! 'Tis time to stop toying Allowing for nary more time to pass!

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
He's Close   5/27/2009

Through eyes of blue Looking up at stars that twinkle true Constantly wondering where he may go to Through eyes of blue Looking beyond The Pond always far off too Waves of love drifting towards my soul of true True is this beating heart Sincere is the warm glow from stars of every part Every part of me knowing he's close, from the very start

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Shooken Up   4/22/2009

Drive away, drive far away My soul tormented Torn and tearing having been left this way He looks not back to see Shooken up, poor me Begging not to be left alone He looks not back to see Caring not, leaving me bereaved

Looking to others to hide my sorrow Looking to others to be he Looking away causing others to bereave Looking to see that he is now me

Misery enjoys company My ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Allowing...   4/22/2009

He demanded always the truth Truth, oh, the innocent truth Infuriating him so to have no evil to find Creating a lie and leaving me blind No one to play with, but myself Creating a lie and leaving me blind Rather than to present his self Put a stopping to this new evil Allowing the flow of his love to prevail He left... In search of a woman that cheats In search of a woman that no one trusts In ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
I Came...   4/22/2009

I came, He went Wrong was I to think he to have been Heaven sent Wrong was I to believe he loved me True Wrong was I to give my prudish soul Wrong was He to offer his cherries in a bowl Wrong was he to have me come Wrong was he to leave.... To leave me alone to surcome Casting away, having left me...bereaved

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Reciprocation   12/2/2008

Sometimes I rant and I rave Finding no one these outbursts to brave Frustrations No one brave enough to approach Counselors too fearful to coach Visionaries not keen enough to see Leaving all to be Frustrations Love without reciprocation

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Offer   11/29/2008

I left to find myself... Losing myself with no one to help Alone and waiting for poetic love The kind of which exists in heaven above No one found to share this elation All alone, still, seeking eternal jubulation Wanting not lust but love to share Wanton passion only true lovers may bare Others feeling what I long for I find true love may offer more!

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
He Wishes...   3/7/2008

He wishes to hear her voice Across the many miles Travelling speedily within his Royals Royce Up and down the humps on the road with smiles Never minding all the traffic lights Never stopping until he arrives to her delight!

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...secrety   2/5/2008

Dreaming.... Of the day when he sees me Seeing me as different from all his others Of the night when he dreams Having found me equally as pleased Throwing aside all his covers Displaying our find-no longer secret, but, private luvers!

0 Comments, 6 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Us   1/30/2008

Running my fingers through my hair I stop to wonder... Just where else may I look to find him there When we met here, there were claps of thunder Immediate recognition of going to do what others do not dare Yes things were not always smooth and there were some blunders... All that matters is us and all that we share

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Deep   1/20/2008

Deep in work he was Bid me to come by again, another time Promised I would , mostly because... I want to see him I want to be with him I want him I want

I He wants to again see me He wants again to be with me He wants


0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Forever   1/19/2008

Radiating rays within my kitchen window glass Permiating deeper within my soul Everlasting warmth glowing Then, now, always with me wherever I'm going Brightening most delightful dreams Joy within escaping into others Yet: then, now, always with me wherever I'm going My soul, as the kitchen glass rays forever shall be growing

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Wishing...   12/31/2007

Another year is ending Anticipating another is soon beginning Leaving behind an ocean of tears Reaching out only to mutual love Wishing all multiple Happy New Years!

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Frozen Time....   11/24/2007

The sound of snow crunching under heavy feet Clearly leaving footprints The moon's glow glistening deep within each Temperature dropping Hopes of love no longer cropping Face filled with salty icycles Painfully trying to smile Facing the cold truth without beguile Frozen Time this pain-much too long a while!

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
So Sad...   11/20/2007

You were too slow... Away I walked never looking back Never did you know what my face did show Tears of a manless woman who lacked tact Never did you know this for a fact Forever I step away-Never again to look back

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Awaiting....   11/5/2007

Awaiting for another day Never knowing quite how to say This is it... I love you more than a little bit Slowly as I turn to walk away Hoping to hear you say... Wait, don't go, please, for a bit-stay!

Hearing only the rolling of prayer beads I continue to slowly walk away Careful not to have a hip swaying I listen intently... Sticatto heals digging into the snow ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
May be   11/1/2007

Having shopped store to store Buying up the perfect size Complete with black thigh highs Perfect worn with exposed clevage by and by To meet and greet Him -as He knocks at the front door!

Anticipating our clinging walk Step upon step on up to my room For Behind that room's closed door There is a lot for Him in store Va, va, va, va-rum!


0 Comments, 9 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
He Left   7/9/2007

He left me for a catty woman, a local Blatantly told me unless he did He's have nary a reachable pussy To stroke nor to watch as she licks-heaven forbid A reachable touchable pussy to have Treasuring that more than love itself Disgarding happiness for a shelf Easier to reach for and shorting himself Choosing instead a lifetime of sharing A local catty pussy without caring

That wrinkling ...

1 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Valentines' Day   2/8/2007

Not too many know of Valentine's Day -The day celebrated by lover's only- Most popular in The Great Lakes Non participants are truely the lonely
Much preparation for dressing that date Gifts of flowers, parfume and chocolate All heart shaped for these sweethearts Many gifted by a skirt uplifted Rewarded by promising his entire heart Never being left without delight ...

1 Comments, 24 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
It's Time!!!   1/12/2007

Sitting around at work Thoughts drifting back and forth Work, play, work, play-with You of course Mesmerizing..... deeply Shifting my bottocks within my seat Swaying my memories inside, almost out Nearing day's end Wishing to exclaim Glory Be and shout It's time, it's time-oh! Yes, Sir it's Time!!!

0 Comments, 24 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Ha-ha-ha...   1/7/2007

'Tis past the Season to be holy, lah Missed His chance to be my All Da-da-da...da-dah-da-dadah, da-da-duh Warming still from His standing still Ha-ha-ha...ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, huhhhhhhh

0 Comments, 24 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Fall Eve   11/2/2006

Oh, how so very cold this wintry Fall eve Subfreezing temperature knocking knees Half smiling gents with chattering dentures Hatless men with chins against chests All leaving me feeling very unsure Deciding after all to behave my best Knocking knees, closing my cape No longer exposing my now chilling breasts
Darkness enveloping Waxing Gibbous projecting Shadows dim ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
LINE!   10/27/2006

Give love, or give life Stop lying pretending to have a wife Crying she's not in love any more Stringing along broken lines Stories all being old and a bore Put down yer flask pressing lips and whines Return to love, your one and only Wife Blood burning lust filled arching spines Rekindling memories and sharing pillow cries Step back on up and dance together upon that straight ...

0 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Sooner and sooner   9/12/2006

Don't talk with me Until You understand me completely I am but one A love not yet have You won You, me, U/us Trust
You're ignoring me does not work You're hurting me as You stand and lurk You're aging me sooner than i deserve You're worrying me makes it difficult to preserve You, me, U/us Trust
I can't stop loving You I can't stop missing You I can't ...

0 Comments, 33 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Calus Hands   8/18/2006

CHEATTING! Caught red handed trying to steal another's gleam I regretfully stand back -hearing Your Heart beating I didn't know You cared- You were so unseeming The animal within my soul is my guide Since You went away- having nothing to say My hands are now dirty as i kneel Having found a new way to L/love-to F/feel CHEATING!! Loving every minute of I/it Never stopping to ever ...

1 Comments, 40 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
Where is My Princess?   8/9/2006

Is there a Princess out there for me? The prince of the Pond...
Sitting on the Lilly Pad under the shade of an oak tree...
Waiting and hoping you will respond...
To the ribbit, ribbit sounds coming from me!

They are my call to find thee!
The tender and loving Princess to find me...
In my desperate ...

0 Comments, 46 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...from the S/soul   7/24/2006

Reflecting with an open mind Detecting with an open heart Caressing memories hoping to find Loving arms choosing never to depart

0 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Ear to Ear...   7/9/2006

Lying back with an ear to ear smile Memories of how he taught me... His sharing deepest secrets of the Nile Always bringing joy-never leaving in quandry His depth of perception always Deeper, deeeper, deeeeper, deeeeepest Treasuring all he had to deliver without bey These memories of our secrets digest Deep within my soul-protected within my chest
Panting now with heaving ...

0 Comments, 27 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
Robertina_sexy 47 F
1  Article
By All Means Necessary   6/30/2006

Canned laughter for applause You've opened doors In and out of their wives In and out of your smalls It's not a BAFTA you're after You want a million dollar lay By all means necessary You will get your way
It all seems so easy But so are you That's what I've heard them say
All the make up that you wear Can't hide the flaws Your work in charity for your own ...

2 Comments, 43 Views, 7 Votes ,3.55 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Solstice Snails   6/27/2006

'Tis now the season of Solstice Summer's breezes of lighter air Sun warming the deepest of waters Floating glistening bodies also share Waves softly rolling souls to and fro Beaches warming from shore to shore Alive with bodies glistening and unsure Yet their souls seek a new love to cure All bad memories except for the most impure The warmest of passions soon will unveil Most ...

1 Comments, 17 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Still Love...   5/20/2006

He stole my heart-but not my soul I innocently gave-in a silver bowl He never realised its true meaning I still loved him, even more sirenely
He balked I squawked He'd smile I still loved him- he laughing all the while
He played I stayed Knowing she was nearer to his touch I still loved him ever so much
He traveled I graveled Knowing he was with ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Intoxicating...Grip   5/4/2006

There are so many who want me Still unsure of who to really trust Fingertips always feeling as do we Caress and hold with lust Sharing a few enticing grips Feeling a stronger passion as we touch lips
Daring not to let go the moment Kisses growing deeper lasting until fermented Intoxicated with swirling fingertips Opening wider my lips We soon shudder our hips Forever ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Triumphanting Love   3/6/2006

Once, twice, thrice A woman satisfied by her man Over and over she plays his moves again Always with protruding pink nipples He plays her keeping her mind simple Repeatedly she hears and feels his rhythyms S L O W L Y at first until she begins to blossom Firmer and firmer his strokes seem to her Stronger and stronger is their aroma Filling their nostrils as she worships his ...

1 Comments, 30 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Moonlit Night   3/3/2006

Lying still as he kneels beside me Confidently unlocking my chastity belt Whilst gazing deeply within eyes of the sea Hearing metal-yet only his fingers felt Shuttering- with lips clenching onto All his love pouring into my trembling body Fingers lightly touch moist hair Lips swelling as they again prepare His throbbing glistening crown unites Us-beloved souls this and every ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
My First Glance...   2/21/2006

Yesternight he wanted only me Today he wants to run and flee Bright yellow smiley beside his name All the while he's on line Busy with web or another game Too distracted to discuss yesternight Displeasing me while pleasuring another dame <br> I must stop and ponder What has changed to make him blatantly blunder Had he planned on never seeing me again Hoping I'd ...

0 Comments, 57 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
It's Really Me!   2/16/2006

He wants to come out of hibernation Alone he's peeping His eyes crying out to the starlights consternation Without stepping onto his sleeping mates He cries "Sleepwalking" when caught creeping Having stepped upon his kitty's tail "Why meeee?" he thinks returning to his cave The stars consternation with he alone Are all that know it's really me he craves!

0 Comments, 56 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Sweet, Sweet Aromas   2/8/2006

He is but a thought I am a thinking woman... He is worried about getting caught I am a mindful lot He is whispering sweet nothings I am loudly filling the air Aromas, sweet, sweet aromas blairing Thoughts and bodies filled with lust As he empties his bags with trust Without lingering fear from having been caught!

0 Comments, 52 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Take That Away   2/6/2006

They can say Anything they want to say Try to bring me down But I will not allow Anyone to succeed Hanging clouds over <br> And they can try Hard to make me feel That I don't matter at all But I refuse to falter In what I believe Or lose faith in my dreams <br> Cause there's a light in me That shines brightly They can try, but they can't Take ...

0 Comments, 64 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Boy I've Been Told   2/2/2006

Looking in your eyes I see a memory Of how it used to be Before our world came tumbling down <br> I try, I did nothing else but try To keep our love alive Oh how I loved you so And you just made me cry <br> Did you deceive me Did you do me wrong Boy, I can't take it Can't take it anymore <br> I feel so helpless Not knowing what to do ...

0 Comments, 71 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Pure and Sure   2/2/2006

Dreaming always of he Is what love is all about Far or near thoughts-all lovely Pure and sure Our love will securily endur Over-riding jealousies of the past insecurities!

0 Comments, 52 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
You're The One   1/31/2006

Lately, I have noticed a change in me I'm not restless as I used to be And there's so many things I want to do, But only with you <br> 'Cause now that I've found what i'm searching for There's no need to look for love anymore And this feeling I have is too deep inside I know it can only be right that you <br> You're the one that I adore You're the one my ...

0 Comments, 58 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Spanish Eyes   1/30/2006

I know for sure his heart is here with me Though I wish him back, I know he cannot see My hands trembling I know he hears me sing <br> I light this candle and watch it grow Tears on my pillow <br> And if there is a Christ He'll come tonight To pray for Spanish eyes <br> And if I have nothing left to show Tears on my pillow What kind of life ...

0 Comments, 53 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
After-Glow   1/29/2006

Looking for the silver lining Within the midst of his dark cloud I see...a glimmer...yes-his eyes shining Looking my way- Contents within his pants standing proud <br> My evil eye still craves... I stare... Amazed, I continue to gaze Bewildered He gropes at the front of his pants Hoping the threads are strong My breath quickening as he adjusts his stance My ...

0 Comments, 40 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Free   1/27/2006

You know the hook You see the bait I know you want a bite So why procrastinate Come on <br> What you doin over here Bring it over here, lets see what you got Listen, <br> Every body knows that, yeah, I am kinda shy And I'm not the kinda boy who could ever approach a guy But I want to find a way to get you to notice me I got a 4 wheel drive, 6-3, brown eyes, ...

0 Comments, 45 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Like I Never Said Yes   1/27/2006

I said yes to your number And yes to you dating me Yes we can be together But you gotta wait for me <br> The first time I say no It's like I never said yes <br> I said yes we can be together Yes you can stay with me But when I say no not tonight You acting so ungratefully <br> The first time I say no It's like I never said yes <br> You was ...

0 Comments, 40 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
Adlerschwert 62 M
4  Articles
i wait for the day   1/27/2006

I wait for the day <br> I wait for the day when Messiah comes when Messiah comes <br> <br> i wait for the day when Messiah comes when Messiah comes <br> <br> 1. This will be a precious time of liberation <br> <br> when the jewish people will come home again <br> <br> He is coming to us for our salvation ...

0 Comments, 52 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
I'm Still Breathing   1/26/2006

Did you think my life would end that day That you walked out when you broke my heart <br> Did you think I couldn't make it through Ooh, without you <br> Did you think you'd stop my world with goodbye, oh no Did you think I'd crumble inside <br> Not Me, I'm still breathing And this heart of mine is still beating <br> I, I'm not ...

0 Comments, 44 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
There's No Me Without You   1/25/2006

There's no me Without you There's no meaning to life Without you <br> Tell me why should I care About doing my hair When I can't stop this Thinking about you <br> There's no moon Without you There's no Saturday nights Without you <br> There's no walk through the park No beat in my heart No I love you no I can't live without you ...

0 Comments, 33 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
I'm Gonna Be Alright   1/23/2006

It's funny 'cause for a while I walked around with a smile But deep inside I could hear voices telling me this ain't right <br> Don't you know it's not for you I always knew what I had to do But it's hard to get away Because I love you I just tried to stay <br> I used to say I couldn't do it But I did it After telling everybody that I wasn't with it ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Only Play!   1/20/2006

What's he all about This lover who sulks and misuses his clout Throwing his weight Demanding servitude- never be late Did his mama spoil him This soulmate who calls me his gem Bestowing his laundry my way Angry, cuz I'm leaving him No, I'll not stay- I'm here to only play!

0 Comments, 23 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Yours   1/20/2006


0 Comments, 4 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Feels So Right   1/19/2006

Oh how can it be true God's gift me and you And I won't take it for granted My love for you is strong With his, can't go wrong And I can't believe this feeling <br> I don't know So confused What to do How bout you Please don't pull away from me <br> I don't know So confused What to do Feelin you And in the end you ask me <br> feels so right ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
You   1/19/2006

Here I am in your face Telling truths and not your old lies <br> Seems to me that you care And I know that you’re runnin’ out of time <br> See ya can’t get away I’ll be here forever and again Whisperin’ in your ear Do believe ’cause you know you cannot win <br> Spent most your life pretending not to be ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Lonely   1/19/2006

Feeling so alone and deserted With people standing all around you Should I trust someone Should I stay off to myself Alone with no one to talk to It's such a helpless feeling <br> So anytime you feel the need Call me when you're lonely Cause everybody needs a friend To be there when they're lonely <br> So don't isolate yourself Every time that I come around ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Feels So Right   1/17/2006

Oh how can it be true God's gift me and you And I won't take it for granted <br> My love for you is strong With his can't go wrong And I can't believe this feeling <br> I don't know So confused What to do How bout you <br> Please don't pull away from me I don't know So confused What to do <br> Feelin you And in the end you ask me ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
That's The Way   1/13/2006

I know you see me watchin' Although you're tryin' to play it Like you don't When I know you do <br> You've got the every want thing That kind of every need thing You're what I want So come give it up <br> Yeah I won't stop Until I get what I want So what am I to do 'Cause what I want is you <br> Baby, stop and think What you and I could be ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
That's Not Me   1/12/2006

Said she gave you everything She broke her back to be What you need I tried so long to just compete Can't take no more Losing sight of me <br> I'm letting you know this can't go on this one way street I'm walking alone This time I'm breaking free I'm going to find me <br> I can't sit and be passive Won't tolerate no more that's it <br> I tried ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
It's Too Late   1/12/2006

First you say that you have to go away I never should have been with you anyway Now you say you want to stay It's too late 'cause I'm sending you on your way <br> You say that you have to go away I never really loved you anyway Now you say you want to stay It's too late it's too late <br> Like a puppet on a string You came and took control of me ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
It's Not That Serious   1/12/2006

How could you tell me that you love me When I know you were just trying to play me <br> But you're the fool 'Cause I know how to switch the game up on you And in the end I know who will lose <br> I played this game before And I can't play no more What do you take me for It's not what you thought <br> So don't play games with me 'Cause ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Underneath The Stars   1/11/2006

One summer night We ran away for a while Laughing, we hurried beneath the sky <br> To an obscure place to hide That no one could find And we drifted to another state of mind <br> And imagined I was yours and you were mine As we lay upon the grass There in the dark <br> Underneath the stars Young love Underneath the stars <br> Weak ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
I Can't Let Go   1/10/2006

There you are holding her hand I am lost Dying to understand <br> Didn't I cherish you right Don't you know you were my life <br> <br> Even though I try I can't let go Something in your eyes Captured my soul <br> And every night I see you in my dreams You're all I know I can't let go <br> Just cast aside You don't even ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
I Wish You Knew   1/9/2006

I've got to see you Wherever you are And I've got to be there I'm wishing on stars <br> I've got to reveal What's inside of my heart But the words escape me And I'm paralyzed So helpless when I Look into your eyes <br> And how I wish you only knew What I feel inside for you You probably haven't got a clue But I wish you knew How I love you, baby ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
You Need Me   1/6/2006

Wait a minute Before you walk away Let me finish I've got a lot to say <br> Baby, I'm not gonna tolerate This game that you play You'll regret it If you desert me this way <br> When there's nobody To dry your eyes Suddenly you're gonna realize <br> Don't you know You need me Don't you see Believe me <br> Before you act so hastily ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Vanishing   1/5/2006

If I could recapture All of the memories And bring them to life Surely I would <br> Hear the distant laughter Wasn't it you and me Surviving the night You're fading out of my sight Swiftly <br> You're vanishing Drifting away You're vanishing <br> I was so enraptured No sensibility To open my eyes I misunderstood <br> Now you're ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
All My Life   1/5/2006

I've been waiting For someone to Come into my life Who would bring me joy And give me pleasure <br> I have taken chances On romances Once or twice And I found that in my heart It's you I treasure <br> You and only you Can make me feel the way I do You and only you Can make it better <br> You and only you Can do the freaky things you ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Thank God   1/5/2006

I would give up everything Before I'd separate myself from you <br> After so much Suffering I finally found the Unvarnished truth <br> I was all by myself For the longest time So cold inside <br> And the hurt from the heartache Would not subside I felt like dying <br> Until you saved my life <br> Thank God I found you I ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Petals   1/3/2006

I've often wondered If there's ever been A perfect family <br> I've always longed For undividedness And sought stability <br> A flower taught me how to pray But as I grew, that flower changed She started flailing in the wind Like golden petals scattering <br> And I miss you dandelion And even love you And I wish there was a way For me to ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
His Will   12/30/2005

Crying again-another year going by Worse yet-my bow is still a might too shy Having reawakened his manhood Too embarressed to tell his family Fearing their shagrin Examining me from head to toe-totally Questioning my motives About being honest, sincere, and above board Wondering if I'll treat him as my Lord Accusing me of coming to reap his pockets Glaring at my golden, ruby ...

0 Comments, 25 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Whenever You Call   12/30/2005

Love wandered inside Stronger than you Stronger than I <br> And now that it has begun We cannot turn back We can only turn into one <br> I won't ever be too Far away to feel you And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call <br> And I'll always remember That part of you so tender I'll be the one to catch your fall Whenever you call <br> ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
You Had Your Chance   12/29/2005

Well It'S Been A While Since I Looked Into Your Eyes Never Dreamed I'D See You Tonight <br> And It'S Interesting That I Just Don't Feel A Thing For The So Called Love Of My Life <br> We Used To Be Close But You Didn't Love Me We Used To Be Best Friends But You Never Really Cared <br> I Let You Into My Soul Didn't Know You Couldn't Be Trusted ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
The Roof   12/28/2005

It wasn't raining yet But it was definitely a little misty on That warm november night <br> And my heart was pounding My inner voice resounding Begging me to turn away But I just had to see your face To feel alive <br> And then you casually walked in the room And I was twisted in the web Of my desire for you <br> My apprehension blew away I only ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
... Ever Need Know!   12/26/2005

Could we be soulmates Anything less, I'd hate We may dance and sing Performing as young sweethearts And all that unconditional love may bring My life too, is wanting some zing! <br> Upon finding a man Whose life is all poetic Believing with our youthful hearts Finishing our lives a little less hectic <br> Youthful souls watching in awe Us, a Grandpapah ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
.....................LOUDLY..............   12/24/2005

Silently Kneeling, head downcast, arms reaching Thinking... Too much left unsaid Too much left undone Too much, too much, too much Heartfelt beats of Your Soul's Singing Groins repeatedly gleaming Thick glistening nectar after penetrating Never left hungry Never left forlorn Never left unsatisfied Always.... feeling sanctified Watching L/luv becoming L/love <br> ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...just You   12/23/2005

Let's talk Let's talk as we walk Let's communicate Before it's too late... <br> I love You Always wishing you'd say that too Kneeling, I beg for you to stay Facial expressions unlying Turning to cry as you'll never say I love you... <br> I won't stop loving you Knowing your aphasia makes me blue I believe, you My soul believes you are true ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
The One   12/23/2005

See I'm Going Through A Situation That I Can't Help Wanna Get A Little Closer But I Promised Myself <br> That I Would Never Give My Heart A- Away Again Oh No Babe <br> I Know It's Hard Butcha Gotta Understand It The Truth Is All The Hurt And The Pain And The Shit That You Get When You Have It Ain't Worth It <br> I've Been There So ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
My All   12/23/2005

I am thinking of you In my sleepless solitude tonight If it's wrong to love you Then my heart just won't let me be right <br> 'Cause I'm drowned in you And I won't pull through Without you by my side <br> I'd give my all to have Just one more night with you I'd risk my life to feel Your body next to mine <br> 'cause I can't go on Living in the ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Twister   12/22/2005

He was kind of fragile And he had a lot to grapple with But basically he kept It all inside <br> Childlike and effervescent With a well of pain The depth of which I could not imagine If I tried <br> Never thought that I Would hear them say Twister went and threw it all away <br> He was kind of magical His laughter sent you casually Floating ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Subtle Invitation   12/22/2005

See It's Hard To Tell Somebody That You're Still Somewhat Attached To The Drem Of Being In Love Once Again When It's Clear They've Moved <br> So I Sat Down And Wrote These Few Words On The Off Chance You'd Hear And If You Happen To Be Somewhere Listening You Should Know I'm Still Here <br> If You Really Need Me Baby Just Reach Out And Touch Me You Don't ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Joy Ride   12/22/2005

Our love goes round on a joy ride with you baby <br> Baby baby don't you ever let go More and more until we both overflow Got a feeling that my heart's never known I found love <br> Tender kisses and I'm floating on air You can have me anytime anywhere When you need me I will always be there I found love <br> And our love goes round ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Reflections   12/21/2005

Reflections of your love have come to wither I thought I'd done my best to memorize <br> A picture fades of you and I together I haven't come to terms with how we said goodbye <br> Did you really care Care at all for me Did you really care Did you care at all for me <br> A displaced little boy wept years in silence And whispered ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Petals   12/21/2005

I've often wondered if there's Ever been a perfect family I've always longed for undividedness And sought stability <br> A flower taught me how to pray But as I grew, that flower changed She started flailing in the wind Like golden petals scattering <br> And I miss you dandelion And even love you And I wish there was a way For me to trust you ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Outside   12/21/2005

It's hard to explain Inherently it's just always been strange <br> Neither here nor there Always somewhat out of place everywhere <br> Ambiguous Without a sense of belonging to touch <br> Somewhere halfway Feeling there's no one completely the same <br> Standing alone Eager to just Believe it's good enough to be what You really are ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Now That I Know   12/21/2005

I never knew If I could believe in you I thought I was just a diversion And you were killing some time My friends they told me To leave you <br> They said you would never, ever, never Be mine But you gave me your love And you said I'm the one You want for the rest of Your life <br> Now that I know That you want me for me I can be what you ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Miss You   12/21/2005

Longing for you everyday And I reach for you everynight <br> Baby nothing's been the same Since the day we said goodbye <br> And I can't go on Like this for too long <br> Boy I need you next to me And I'm hungering for your touch <br> Caught up in the memories And you're all I'm thinking of <br> Cause I can't get past ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Lullaby   12/21/2005

Should Just Hug You Goodbye But I Just Can't Walk Away From Paradise So I Guess I'll Sing You That Sweet Lullaby And We Can Revisit Us One More Time Yes, I'll Come Home With You Tonight <br> Hey Boy, What's Going On Thanks, I'm Doing Okay Don't Believe Rumours- Hey <br> How's Your Family Please Say Hello For Me Guess We've Both Grown Up A Bit ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
I Only Wanted   12/20/2005

Doesn't It Ever Stay Must It Always Fade Away Couldn't Love Ever Be Something Tangible And Real <br> Farewell, Fairweather Friend Abandonment Returns To Taunt Me Again <br> I Only Wanted You To Stay Linger And Mean The Words You Said <br> Foolishly I Romanticized Someone Was Saving My Life For The First Time <br> I Only Wanted You ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
I've Been Thinking About You   12/20/2005

We've known each other For a long long time But I never really noticed All the magic in your eyes <br> I've been around you A thousand times before And you've always been a friend to me But now I'm wanting more <br> I must have been so blind I never realized You're the one that's right for me All the while I couldn't see <br> And now I ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Fourth Of July   12/20/2005

Trembling Starry eyed As you put your hand in mine... <br> It was twilight On the Fourth of July Sparkling colors were Strewn across the sky <br> And we sat close enough That we just barely touched While roman candles Went soaring above us and baby <br> Then you put your hand in mine And we wandered away I was trembling inside But I wanted to ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Ex-Girlfriend   12/16/2005

Ex-girlfriend you can't have him It's about time That you found you a new man <br> He's moved on Don't you know, don't you know You gotta let him go, Let him go, let him go <br> Ex-girlfriend you don't listen Stop trying He's not gonna give in <br> He's not yours anymore Don't you know You gotta let him go Let him go, let ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Did I Do That?   12/16/2005

I really hope When you hear this song That you're happy With someone new <br> I found a love I can call my own And I owe it in part to you <br> Don't you know that you seem Just a little crazy You had my trust and intimacy But you threw it away just threw it away <br> And now it's all in the past When I think of you I just ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Cry Baby   12/16/2005

When I think of our untimely end And everything we could have been I cry, baby I cry <br> Ok So it's 5 AM and I still can't sleep Took some medicine But it's not working <br> Someone's clinging to me And it's bittersweet 'Cause he's head over heels But it ain't that deep <br> I finally changed my number Got a different pager ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Clown   12/16/2005

I should've left it at how ya doin' I should've left it at I like your body too, and <br> I should've never called you back When you pursued me I should've never given you My fucking two way <br> I should've never listened To your woefull stories The ones I'm sure you Told a thousand times before me <br> You should've never intimated We were ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Walk Away   12/15/2005

What do you do When you know something's bad for you And you still can't let go? <br> I was naïve Your love was like candy Artificially sweet I was deceived by the wrapping <br> Got caught in your web And I learned how to plead I was prey in your bed And devoured completely <br> And it hurts my soul Cause I can't let go All these ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Close My Eyes   12/15/2005

I was a wayward With the weight of the world That I held deep inside <br> Life was a winding road And I learned many things Little ones shouldn't know <br> But I closed my eyes Steadied my feet on the ground Raised my head to the sky And though time's rolled by <br> Still I feel like that As I look at the moon Maybe I grew up a little too soon ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
Circles   12/15/2005

Ever since you left me I've been trying to hide the pain Painting on a smile with chapstick Putting on a big charade <br> So difficult to keep pretending It's getting harder everyday It's plain to see I'm cold and heartsick Since you turned and walked away <br> I just keep going round and round And round in circles Keep on tumbling down <br> Oh boy my ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
BreakDown   12/15/2005

When you love Someone so deeply They become your life <br> It's easy to succumb to Overwhelming fears inside <br> Blindly I imagined I could Keep you under glass <br> Now I understand to hold you I must open up my hands And watch you rise <br> Spread your wings And prepare to fly For you have become A butterfly <br> Fly ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
BreakDown   12/15/2005

You call yesterday to basically say That you care for me boy but that you're just not in love <br> Immediately I pretended to be feelin similarly And led you to believe <br> I was O.K. To just walk away from the one thing That's unyielding and sacred to me <br> Well I guess I'm trying to be nonchalant about it And I'm going to ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
BabyDoll   12/13/2005

It's 2:11 and I'm stressing Watching Tv in my hotel suite <br> I check my service every second At 2:10 you still hadn't called me <br> So I'm gonna leave my cell phone Turned on in my bag by the bed <br> And before I fall asleep I guess I'll just check my machine <br> Again and again because I'm Obsessing on you ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
All Alone In Love   12/13/2005

Swept me away But now I'm lost in the dark Set me on fire But now I'm left with a spark Alone, you got beyond the haze and I'm lost inside the maze I guess I'm all alone in love <br> I look into your eyes You turn the other way And now I realize It's all a game you play I hold you in the night And wake to find you gone You're running out of sight It's so hard ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
MichaelLewis 50 M
55  Articles
After Tonight   12/13/2005

I look at you looking at me Feels like a feeling meant to be And as your body moves with mine It's like I'm lifted out of time <br> And time again Patiently I've waited For this moment to arrive <br> After tonight Will you remember How sweet and tenderly You reached for me And pulled me closer <br> After you go Will you return to love ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Unforseen   11/26/2005

Be with me today Forget about me tomorrow No words, meaning-clear as day Dementia, a poor excuse for this sorrow <br> Sad, maybe true Forgotten, like when you didn't flush the loo Meaning... I'll forget 'bout it too!!!!!!!!!! Guess I've amnesia- 'twas unforseen <br> An email is exemplary Yes, be straight forward with me Save us both a heartache A simple ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Because...   10/27/2005

Hello Reality, step aside Dreams Time to have that, For Real Talk That really isn't so bad a sceen Begging me to stop, may hasten my walk Pleading for me to resume dreaming 'Tis time, really, for us to talk <br> As is difficult for you to hide that bulk - that bulk threatening your zipper's seams Removing your hands from crotch Allowing me to better see its naught ...

0 Comments, 67 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Behind The Closed Doors...   10/23/2005

It's time to say goodbye Arms crossed, brows furrowed, clamped thighs Yes, time to part company No longer feeling weak in the knees Thoughts of you- cool as Fall's breeze <br> Whilst seated on my fireside chair Memories of our lust no longer shared Although cat in lap begins to purrrrr Unsteaming glasses as I read on... Lust not love-another one beacons Yes, time to ...

0 Comments, 70 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Only He Knows...   10/7/2005

A new realisation... Only He knows when I'm ready Knowing my desperate need to feel his pulsations Ready to fill my groove as heartily Our growing love pulsating Luv-lust/love- always his prescription Always in the nick of time Allowing my desire for him Releasing my unlimited submission His unpretencious presense Controling my tearless whines At times ...

0 Comments, 78 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Alpha Cat   10/1/2005

Living a life of lies She soon could see Not at first, but by and by Faithful he'd then try to be The snake within his pants Begin to wink its one and only eye Interupting his moonlight trance Realising and soon she'd begin to cry 'Don't fake your luv with me!' Knowing 'twas his true love He'd be thinking of... <br> Many times she'd speak in riddles Laughing and ...

0 Comments, 70 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Thumb Size.   9/28/2005

Dit, ditty-dip, ditty-dop, little Dip Who is she, to come to me Smiling over grinding dentures Permitting me to cyber, to adventure <br> Dop, ditty-dop, ditty dip, incredible Dop Tongue between his fingers While he stains her posterior cheeks Not of our faith He cares not but to dipidy dop She, frolicking with his dipidy dips Together they make incredible do-drops! ...

0 Comments, 70 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Smiles...   9/27/2005

All the time, she sits and smiles Watching him manafest Sitting, smiling all the while Thinking of their many festivities Parties Dancing to and fro He holds her ever so close Protecting her from surroundings... Fireworks! Cheek to cheek Remaining meek Always she feels his explosions Lasting for as long as a week All the time, she sits and smiles This he's known...for ...

0 Comments, 52 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Perfect!   9/24/2005

Sometimes, I know not what to say Other times, I fear how to tell Always hoping he and I still will play With one another-slower and slower we carefully spell Behind our closed door, under covers Believing wholeheartedly we are lovers Yet and still Slower and slower we begin to mis-spell Waiting until Our initial meeting to finally tell... Gazing into his eyes whilst he's under ...

0 Comments, 52 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
One Eyed Snake   9/11/2005

Wouldn't you know it, Trust building... Now it's disappeared All because I've moved No longer living as near And what has this all too true proved Lust can not go the distance True love, not yet between us in existance <br> Swelling breasts Without a luv to confess Moist lips Without his luving finger tips Topsy turvey, whoas me Why can't he just make this ...

0 Comments, 40 Views, 5 Votes ,4.45 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Breasts...   9/6/2005

Just having met the love of his life I better understand why all the strife She's magnificant... His significant other- Sharing with me dreams of her <br> Yes, my breasts are larger She standing taller Knowing she's his significant other Laughingly questioning why I bother They, close with views-as sis and brother I, distantly loving him more than his Mother ...

0 Comments, 40 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Flow   8/27/2005

A little wine, a little dining A sweet find, a face, all smiling Face aglow, all the time we know Together, later this eve-luv will flow

0 Comments, 22 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Lit   8/21/2005

There's a fire between my groins There's no one near to smother it Makes me so glad that this site I've joined There may be someone near, also a bit lit Taking me higher Fighting fire with fire Fulfilling lustfilled desires -Until the next visit-succulant aromas Fires left smoldering, still feeling as his corona

0 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Invincible   8/15/2005

He loves me, he loves me not... "Crumpets and tea, for my lady Then i shall tie you in tight knots Never to question Never to know what you've been destined Allowing, only I to touch <br> Toying, playing, enjoying Pleasures of lust Treasures of love-No, never a must Come to me, my sweet You are, but a treat... Allow me to taste what your groins now secrete... ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Discreet   8/15/2005

I have been dreaming As he has been scheaming Using me, to entice Another woman, creating thrice <br> I'm too old fashioned I believe in pairs Being more discreet, yes that's my passion Sharing him with another-how unfair! Leaving me to wonder Does he really care- Oh, what a blunder... I resume, seeking my true soulmate Caring to share only our Lightning and ...

0 Comments, 31 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Sand Transforming...Woman   8/10/2005

He thinks I'm a grain of sand As he quietly sifts the beach... Being only a granule to beseach I cling onto his hand Still moist, from the sea I stick onto his forehead As his hand combs through his hair Rolling onto his tongue Before long....I'm snaired Gently from between his finger and thumb <br> Being brushed onto his pantleg Thinking that with me, he's done... ...

0 Comments, 36 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
Earthmom 73 F
3  Articles
Dominion   8/2/2005

Let me slake the madness searing holes across my mind; the need that drives me now to have you take complete control burns irrepressibly in me at your lightest touch, your merest glance. I hunger for the pleasures others whisper of in shocked undertones, shying away from the madness as if surrender makes one less worthy of tenderness at other times; trust takes true ...

0 Comments, 72 Views, 0 Votes
Earthmom 73 F
3  Articles
Epiphany   8/2/2005

I want to touch you in ways I have never touched anyone else; <br> I’ve dreamed of doing it, but somehow it never happened. <br> So many moments lost to bad timing, ill luck, clumsy words, awkward silences. <br> Tonight we will lose nothing but inhibitions; even though I have felt you, tasted you, caressed you, devoured you, I ...

0 Comments, 68 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
What This Is   8/1/2005

My Body 'tis with thee My Heart cries out happily My Soul blossoms with our extacy Our Mind is growing Smiling, all the while knowing He is mine, and I am his Desires, wants...wanton lusts showing We each know what this is... We really share binding love, brillantly glowing!

0 Comments, 32 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
Earthmom 73 F
3  Articles
NIGHT VOICES   8/1/2005

Creation is a chancy thing, like lovers wakening alone unkissed and unknowing if they erred simply by being themselves, yet quietly cognizant that there was nothing else they could be in the soft hours shared; nascency is a reckless gamble of nature, heart, and head, although sometimes a suppliant forgets the seeds of reckless past bloom long beyond the need to be ...

0 Comments, 60 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Still Waiting...   7/24/2005

Still waiting for his touch An electrifying moment I need so much.. Time is measured by it- Yes, how may this luv/lust commit Eternity His spark is so close to igniting My now sparkling groin, flaming luv uniting Into eternal bliss Surpassed, possibly, by my breasts gleaming with his kiss Reality Time does journey into our bodies Electricly Fusing minds, bodies, souls... ...

0 Comments, 30 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Bravest Dare   7/9/2005

Love is not luv... It can not be abbreviated Although It has been identically celebrated Celebrations of lovers Women with men Delivering dishonourable intentions All calling luv, Love <br> Desiring orgasmic releases Tearing hearts and souls to pieces Discovering that sharing each other Already expressed as taboo by our Mothers <br> Uncaring men ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Openly Today!   7/8/2005

My knees are so weak From all the hoping it was me he'd seek Not just for shabbot... Why must I tell him all about it... I slave all week- being ever so meek Hoping he comes to me forever to stay This and more is of what I pray As I try to be more kosher As I try to keep peace, more for... Ever shall I seek His blessing Forever shall I cherish his caressing Tonight as we ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Sparkles   7/3/2005

T'was the Fourth of July... And all through the day until that night I was truely smitten Like putty within his mitten <br> Certain he was as thrilled Like on Guy Falkes Day His joy, then with another Finished us off- I'd been killed <br> Here's another Fourth... He's with her, I with another He's smitten, I remember how I'd been bitten He's forgitt'en ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...hidden eyes...   7/2/2005

A dream, a want a desire All to one day, come true... This promise made to you and I Sometimes, that's what makes me want to live or to die <br> Dreams, many times, lustfully true Wants, often times shamefully cruel Desires, anytime, creatively untangling strings of the silkiest cocoons Communications: Word of mouth, ahhh such sweet dreams Via internet such strong ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Envision...   6/30/2005

He is my constant As true, as the Northern Star As I look up into the sky...he, I want Constantly this man I envision from afar <br> His memories are vivid His touches so dominant It's no wonder it's his lust I want As my thighs begin to part 'Tis he, I want to feel within my heart Beating faster and harder My lips parting to receive his kiss Beating harder and ...

0 Comments, 25 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Sincerity   6/26/2005

If I'm not the one you need Don't bother to waste your seed If I'm not the one you always think of Dear Sir, you have yet to find true love If I'm not your true love Don't tell me lies of... If minds never touch reality How can I but doubt your sincerity

0 Comments, 28 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
From The Internet...   6/19/2005

From the internet, to our first date... How much longer, must I wait Seeing, his eyes are filled with life He has yet to come to claim me, as wife <br> His eyes speak of a conquered past Filled with a pride that shall forever last Knowing, he knows a lot He shares only goodness, kindness Offering an eternally lasting caress His eyes, filled with life, wit, charm With ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
-Embrace Me-   6/14/2005

It would certainly be nice If every time I think of him He'd realise... <br> I don't feel this way 'bout all my guys These womanly feelings are my surprise That only he can work until I scream P A R A D I S E Not once, twice, but thrice a session It's only his touch, I love so very much This, Kind Sir, is my confession <br> Yes, it certainly would be nice... ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Trusted...   6/13/2005

Ever so sweetly, he explained his absence Ever so coyly, she pretended to not have sense Ever so mutually violently they lusted Deep down, knowing he'd been busted High Up and she knows, he'll another time be trusted...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Deal   6/12/2005

Alas, due to his own stupidity He has lost a loving, true friend Thinking me not of gold, he pitifully Made alternate choices his end... <br> How crass To choose a stallian mare over an ass An ass is stronger toting heavier loads Sacrificing leisurely pleasures Toiling hard with hopes of endeavoring Reciprocated respect, this ass', now lost treasure <br> Only an ...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Eyes/ I's   6/12/2005

Eyes are my issue I's are his issue Us is my desire Us is his lust We must learn to trust <br> Eyes are my guide I's are his expectations Us, I think, as in and out he glides Us, at this moment-me his bride We must learn mutual lust <br> Eyes inviting I's enticing Us seeking lasting love Us feeling magnificent fulfilling lust We simply need to try ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Transference   6/11/2005

Love is a double bladed sword Cutting deeply into each soul Permitting blood to flow in accord Mixing together as with blood brothers BOLD Is the unity of lovers 'Tis the flow of secret desires His smoothly reaching to uncover Her seductively wooing to no other Transference Thoughts engaging; Entertwining lustful cries Feelings strongly that can not hide Screams ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Reality   5/19/2005

I am throbbing, my heart is aching For that special someone to again come... My groins tighten As to his voice i so intently listen To hear his cries of joy Upon opening his new toy <br> I welcome his tongue, within my lips Swapping fluids, as I rotate my hips Turning to view This man's signature, exceptionally new His style, his smile, his cheeky words Loudly heard ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 5 Votes ,5.75 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
-Us-   5/15/2005

I want to play Not only for today... For tomorrow and the next I'd like to share my ways With my love, my soul mate My destiny, my fate <br> Hide and seek's a good way to start Only a quick peek- as I depart Running to hide my shaking tush Hoping to be found within a thick bush <br> Passage made easy Broken twigs all dangly A very good clue Having ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
True Sincerety   5/14/2005

Feeling like a slab of bacon At the meatmarket Mistakingly placed, all shaken Within the filet mignon section <br> Do I resign Or do I learn to live within My new confines Being the bacon, Later to encircle A filet mignon? <br> Methinks, I'll surcome to the latter Always enjoying a challenge For the worse or the better Thoughts of leaving always makes me ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Tag...   5/9/2005

Tag, a game... Who's "it"? Not I, for I'm a bit lame Not a player, trying to touch hearts lit... Someone with love to share Only with one, whose soul is bare Wanting affection, total dedication A mutual mindset-yearning one another Trusting Souls, learning to love together Lustfully playing, no hint of shame Unconditional Love, admittedly not a game Tag, a game for those not ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
I Suppose...   5/3/2005

Hell's Bells... How could I have been so wrong... A love still awaits- as he has said "So long", I was so sure that all would gel, Alas! Once again, he just didn't have enough gas, To excel beyond the others Racing! Nose to nose, He just fell behind with pacing... No, fault not all his own, I suppose...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Treasure   4/23/2005

He is allowing me back into his life A treasure He is permitting me another stroll A treasure We'll talk, yet, maintain control A treasure We'll touch on thinkings A treasure <br> Thinking of he... What he means to me A lover, this mate may soon be My eternal fate, sharing our love, faithfully Lustful, initially found Trustful, stabely sound Lovingly, I hear ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
That Music!!   4/6/2005

The clock continues to tock As I race through the internet Seaching for some good talk Doesn't matter if we've just met, Just want some love and laughter No, sex isn't all I'm after! <br> Although, you may see me wink Sitting behind my glasses of pink Peering While I wonder Is it he, or do I hear thunder Seeing A person upon my screen Hearing My body, my ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Suspense   3/26/2005

Why can't I find someone to sooth My anticipation for a lover His body, his head, his words being smooth All thoughts leading to discover What's lying beneath my cover... <br> Her soft His words, alone to match Her yearning to satisfy his desires aloft He watching her eyes to catch Flickering sparkles Steming from groin to mind Twinkling his eyes that marvel in ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Coming This Way!   3/23/2005

It's snowing...on this Spring Day How can Cupid, do me this way? How will I hear my love approaching? How will he see past the snow flaking? How will Cupid know he's miss staking? <br> When will it again be clear Slowing my heartbeats from the fear Only a lover can subside Oh, how I've tried and tried To find a love that's truly sincere... <br> Cupid being ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Maybe   3/22/2005

Maybe, my phone isn't destined to ring- Maybe, I need to get out Maybe, I need to stop singing Maybe, I'd do better fishing for trout <br> The sea is deep and full of a variety- I fish for total sobriety We hook our lines from the same boat Yet we are blind to one another As we watch our bobbers afloat <br> Quietly, our hearts begin to sink Sunfilled faces ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...With a Little Finesse   3/20/2005

Here it is, the First Day of Spring My phone has yet to ring A beautiful, sunny day Would that be such an outrageous thing? <br> After having heard the phone rung There are numurous songs I'd have begun Singing Remainder of the day leisurely dreaming Songs I may have instead sung Keeping My caller On the line longer <br> An afterthought... It never rang ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Ruby/Turquoise Love Affair   3/14/2005

He is my ruby A golden necklace colar with ruby embedded I wear to keep him truly Loving me, to where-ever we're headed <br> With increasing passion I wear my necklace dazzling of fashion Bearing his statement of courage His love, promising to flourish With a unity of undefeatable strength My knees weaken, soon I am knealing... <br> I am his topaz, forever ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Someday   2/25/2005

I pray to hold his pride And he to cherish mine While feeling his exitement Pumping into mine...ahhh contentment Knowing we share fantasies Sometimes crudely, sometimes fancily Usually meaningful actions Of thoughts intermingled bringing mutual satisfaction Always preceeding, during, following times of relaxation <br> His exitement he brings His care he leaves His ...

0 Comments, 41 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
I Must Have!   2/25/2005

Why I could never fulfill his dreams, I will never understand... He being he, I being me Me being our dreams, Dreams, I know, being for dreamers- sea or land- I am no longer dreaming of he He is no longer worthy of beliefs... <br> Nightmares are scarey That's why I am leary But he, as a dream, as a nightmare, is not my reality No, I will no longer dream of he For, ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Lips Puckered!   2/21/2005

I am having so much fun Trying to decide who's really The One... He with guitar in hand? Another in a far off land? Yet another... a singer, without a band ...Another with a collar .., and a historian, seeemingly a nicer fell'er No body, but nobody, living next door Making me long for each one, all the more! <br> Put your money where your mouth is -Buy the ticket- ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
A Plan?   2/20/2005

He'll be forever on my mind He'll always, for me, be kind He'll always be the one I endeaver He'll succeed at fulfilling my dreams He'll always want for only me to be his lover He'll always, for me, be kind He'll be in all my favorite schemes He'll always seduce, bringing forth my womanly creams He'll always, for me be kind He'll never chuck me, for noplace's as furious as ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Her Biggest Fear...   2/19/2005

Why, when she loves someone, He always disappears Like he didn't know that's her biggest fear Here, one minute...jetted away the following High above the clouds Beyond the kind pillowing Between earth and the moon Before she recovers from being swooned <br> Because it takes time To recken' what was truely sought Love, Lust all before the Devine With apple in mouth, ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Not a Single Word!   2/18/2005

Blame it on the stars I don't go very long nor far Without chatting nor flirting I tried for a week, deserting <br> I have returned to say There was no fun, being that way I was as miserable As a bursting bubble Whoas me....what a trouble <br> I tried to be 100% loyal And have found it created much toil Searching for alternatives to chat I can't go very ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Must be More Reserved...   2/9/2005

I have many good memories of passing lovers I have many good friends, i've discovered I have many high hopes that they'll recover And, one day will realise I respect eacn one And, I know too, all was said and done in fun <br> But, now I must be more reserved Sharing with only the one who will deserve True love, Honest love, Eternal love All this with one fellow ...

0 Comments, 27 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
I Fantasise...   2/9/2005

I continue to fantasise These many days past... Of how we always, before, could compromise Differences, major, but never did they last Seemingly longer than this.... how crass! <br> Remembering chats that were hot You were the first, to touch on love's spot An occation remembered, never to be forgot For I've too long a memory..... Thinking of it as having regained my ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Pleasing Him   2/7/2005

...I love how his eyes look over his glasses Eagerly, I anticipate all of his classes... He coaxes me into heavenly ectasy Unknowingly to him, my love tenderly exceeds His syllabuses taught with loving expertise <br> I stare at my lust, mesmorised by... I love how his knowing eyes Share all his love for my continueing growth Reflecting his dreams onto us both... ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Allowing me to Come   2/7/2005

Well, I had never been so insulted... My door is now securely bolted, His words slapped me and I bolted into the night Hearing echoes, not as nicely said to myself unwind! <br> Being told that the first time, I sought revenge: A love he'd never avenge A love where I'd need not pretend A love, a lust, coming deep from within A love, sordid at times, which then did begin ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...His Glasses   2/6/2005

I miss him... The one who shares my dark He keeps me, in matters of love... enlightened Never displaying shagrin Lessons I may be slow to grasp He continues to teach, without a laugh Always, yes, always we accomplish the tasks <br> I love how his eyes look over his glasses Purposefully, catching my eyes Redirecting my attention onto his lesson... I evaluate him from ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Love Expressed...   2/6/2005

I sure would enjoy A good roll in the hay... Of course, a lady would never speak this way But Luvs, well sometimes surprise is a fun toy- For only consenting ADULTS to mutually enjoy <br> Words of love, said with words or body language Are what'd make a roll in the hay, uuu so good Making it much superior, to that lustful garbage Hey!!! Soulmates in love and only ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Short of Note   2/6/2005

Upon much pondering, nearing a week Seems to me If a loved one stops communicating And his love's not wandering... Then he must be jailed Making the deepest of loves, slightly curtailed <br> Only with hands cuffed behind him My Dear, Sweet Bloak Could not have written a note To Dear, Old Jen, Who's no longer fond of him!

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Blessed Over.....   2/6/2005

I am blessed over and over again He knows all, forgiving me as I bend Kneeling, professing to only Him My Master He steers me from disaster He adheres to all my truths He's sincere with love, never keeping me aloof He appears, always at my time of most need Preventing my womanhood to entirely receed... I shall always never be at total odds... With God, I shall keep with His ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Thrice Amplified   2/6/2005

Bewildered, I try -Not to cry Destitute, I try -Not to be blind Hopeful, I try -Not to fail Joyful, I try -Not to leave a saddened trail Blissful, I try -Not to ever leave one dis-satisfied Serene, I try -Not to cry as I share love thrice amplified

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Discovering   2/6/2005

Her dark side Does not destroy her bright side As it always brings her back home Lusting is temporarily satisfying Loving is eternally gratifying As it always brings her back home High expectations is what keeps her alone Low morale is what leads her astray Yet with each she sees a different way To discover a blissful life As it always brings her back home Realizing there's ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
So, she has a Dark Side...   2/5/2005

So, she has a dark side... Being woo'd by a lover supreme He is never demanding But always capable of commanding Her lustful thoughts Only to him, that they be brought <br> She has a dark side Being woo'd by a lover supreme Being brought to a new way of life Being lustful with minimal strife Being true sharing his desires Being enflamed with his words hot as fire ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Out for a Fling...   2/5/2005

Why didn't he tell me He was out for a fling Why did he instead, make my heart sing Insinuating there'd eventually be that ring Knowing, having me, to hold and to cherish Longing to hear words of making love Far exceeding, appreciating, to those of lust He knew, I am new to trust Yet and still he tricked me into that just... By having me think it was a must A trust, he always ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...A Wayward Woman   2/5/2005

Once, again, I am a wayward woman Discovered, I was not with my truely chosen Yes, it hurt Feelings again burnt My beloved idol, a man true to only himself Chose to set me on a shelf Within a closed jar Without any air <br> I could see How happily He prepared his next meal Another kind soul He sifted into a bowl Stirring with a spoon of steal While adding ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Away in a Coma   2/5/2005

Well, he must be away in a coma Someplace secretive, cooking, without aromas And just chose not to take me there I wanted to go knowing I'd never return Staying, heart intensely yearning To share my entire soul, as we grew old Unconditionallly loving until death did we part But, because he has chosen to go there alone I'll remain here, foot in mouth, as I restart <br> ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
To The Bottom, All See   2/4/2005

Is she a keeper, or shall she be thrown back in Into the waves of the deep blue sea Within waters so pure, to the bottom, for all see Gazing onto mermaids, with varying sizes of fins Watching these angels to the top swim Around open nets, gently targeted by men With dreams and aspirations of welcoming New life, new love within otherwise sobbing souls That only she, desiring this ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Radiance   2/4/2005

No man should make you wait for so long As No woman ought to take so long to decipher His true meanings, his past, his stated future Nor, decide if he's a winner or a loser <br> Games of the heart Soon grow old Discouraging thoughts cause outrageous departures Toying with others' souls Playing with their hearts Criminal Loss of love, many times or only once ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Share With Me   2/4/2005

Who among us is better than thee Belonging to no ones family tree Painful being alone Suffering, having to be as a drone My soul, wishing its love, to soon come home And again to share with me True love, under a bless-ed, seeding family tree

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Painless Gain   2/4/2005

For every woman, there is a man To hold, keep and to cherish Making holy, their love, all over our land Preventing demons to invade, seeing them perish One following the other to no man's land <br> Each, incapable of sustaining without love They must share the pain Try to deter each one's dying love Casting out the demons, without refrain Renewing sincere vows of love ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Let me Count...   2/4/2005

Let me count the Luvs; Uno, Dos, Tres With only two, knowing her place- Quatro, Cinco, Seis With only one, knowing that smile on your face- Ocho, Nueve, Diez Beware, or you'll soon be out of the race! <br> Everyone loves him After he's shared his worldly grin But, no one, yes-no one, on him can they depend He's a coy and wise toy *But without that ever-lasting joy* ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Allow Me...   2/4/2005

Said he must always be trusted Said he'd be away on a trip Said from out his smiling lips Said he'd call in a day or two-so's not to be busted? Of course I'll not share my disbelief Allow me to over my eyes apply my own kercheif Of course I'll not share my mistrust Allow me to infer that would not cause disgust Of course I'll not share my disappointment Allow me to bring the ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Promises...Served on a Tray   2/3/2005

Such a beautiful day For love always feels this way -Steamy thoughts -Tranquility following -Romantic terms of appreciation Promises of more to come, served on a tray Intentions, always for the next daybreak... Yes, for all of that, my loins still ache!

0 Comments, 15 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Ah-Huh!   2/2/2005

Ah-Huh! He phoned! Speedily we spoke- Hurridly, before either could choke We talked of times past And, better still, of times to last... <br> Without a doubt, he is more than liked He's finer than trout, and maybe pike Not a fishy charactor, surprisingly to my delight -He makes all my dark nights bright- Much more than a rainbow Fishing for words, we'll never know ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
That's Not Me   2/2/2005

Said she gave you everything She broke her back to be What youu need <br> I tried so long to just Compete can't take no more Losing sight of me <br> I'm letting you know this can't go on this one way street I'm walking alone <br> This time I'm breaking free I'm going to find me <br> I can't sit and be passive Won't tolerate no ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
You   2/2/2005

Here I am in your face Tellin' truths and not your old lies <br> Seems to me that you care And I know that you're runnin' outta time <br> See ya can't get away I'll be here forever and again Whisperin' in your ear Do believe 'cause you know you cannot win <br> Spent most your life pretending not to be The one you are but who you ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Where Are You Now?   2/2/2005

Love my love I regret the day you went away <br> I was too young to understand my love But now I understand my mistakes <br> Where where are you now? Now that I'm ready to Ready to love you the way you loved me then <br> Where are you now? Do you still think of me? Or does your heart belong to someone else's <br> Love Oh my ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
What About   2/2/2005

We walked along the beach What a moon lit night He held my hand in his He kissed me, he said... <br> I wanna spend my days with you I want you in my life Just then I thought <br> What about the times you lied to me <br> What about the times you said no one would want me <br> What about all the shit you've done to me ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Twenty Foreplay   2/2/2005

Sleep my love Don't you worry You just sleep my love <br> And I'll stroke your hair The sun lights up your face As the day begins to break <br> When you wake And your smile meets mine My day begins You're my inspiration <br> Seeing your face glow In the nicest of hellos <br> Five till noon You sneak up from behind Kiss and caress ...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 0 Votes
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Subtle Invitation   2/2/2005


0 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
You Had Your Chance   2/2/2005


0 Comments, 17 Views, 0 Votes
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Clown   2/2/2005


0 Comments, 14 Views, 0 Votes
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...I'll Refrain....   2/1/2005

- currently idle... I watched as it was typed Maybe already said, a time or two But never between me and you Actions speak louder than words -Learned to believe that as 'twas always heard Regretful to hear, as having been already played Probably not intended to degrade... <br> Fretful, yet remaining hopeful, there's no pain You'll soon be back, love is not defrayed ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
I Only Wanted   2/1/2005


0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Warming With Your Thoughts...   2/1/2005

Eyes, heart, mind, soul are all wide open... Afraid, I look, feel, think, pray and keep hopen' Visions of love, knowing it's shared, it's ok Seeing, warming with your thoughts, as we portray Images of love Feelings of lust Knowing that together, in God we trust Making images of love between us lasting forever! <br> Strengthening, with shared, blessed love No longer ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Yours   1/31/2005


0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
The One   1/31/2005


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MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Goodbye To The Pain   1/31/2005

He was kind of fragile And he had a lot to grapple with But basically he kept It all inside <br> -like and effervescent With a well of pain The depth of which I could not imagine If I tried <br> Never thought that I Would hear them say Twister went and threw it all away <br> He was kind of magical Her laughter sent you casually Floating ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Care Enough   1/31/2005

Reflections of your love Have come to wither <br> I thought I'd done my best to memorize <br> A picture fades of you and I together I haven't come to terms With how we said goodbye <br> Did you really care Care for me at all Did you really care Did you care for me at all <br> A displaced little boy Wept years in silence And ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Lead The Way   1/31/2005

Who would've believed That you and me would fall and land together <br> And who could've foreseen In you I'd find the place I've belonged forever <br> And if I move closer Then love will take over And lead the way <br> I'd given up hope Losing the faith that love Could be mine to treasure <br> And now Nothing's the same I ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
I found you   1/31/2005

I would give up everything Before I'd separate myself from you <br> After so much suffering I finally found unvarnished truth <br> I was all by myself for the longest time So cold inside <br> And the hurt from the heartache would not subside <br> I felt like dying Until you saved my life <br> Thank God I found you ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Petals   1/31/2005

I've often wondered if there's ever been a perfect family <br> I've always longed for undividedness And sought stability <br> A flower taught me how to pray But as I grew, that flower changed <br> She started failing in the wind Like golden petals scattering <br> And I miss you dandelion And even love you And I wish there was ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Did I Do That?   1/31/2005

I really hope When you hear this song <br> That you're happy With someone new <br> I found a love I can call my own And I owe it in part to you <br> Don't you know that you seem Just a little crazy You had my trust and intimacy But you threw it away just threw it away <br> And now it's all in the past When I think of you I just ...

2 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Crybaby   1/31/2005

I think of our untimely end And everything we could have been and I cry, baby I cry <br> Ok so it's 5 am and I still can't sleep I took some medicine But it's not working <br> Someone's clinging to me And it's bittersweet 'Cause he's head over heels But it ain't that deep <br> I finally changed my number Got a different pager Then last ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
The Ultimate Demise of...   1/29/2005

I dislike being so confused I dislike feeling I may be used I dislike thinking of those who made me blue I dislike remembering the untrue I dislike comparing for better or worse I dislike not sharing love, but rather 'the curse'... To see and feel others' hurts To cry with them, is there no end, I tend to blurt! <br> Shame on the players for killing our happiness Shame ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Ex-Girlfriend   1/28/2005

Ex-girlfriend you can't have him It's about time That you found you a new man <br> He's moved on Don't you know, don't you know You gotta let him go Let him go, let him go <br> Ex-girlfriend you don't listen Stop trying He's not gonne give in <br> He's not yours anymore Don't you know You gotta let him go Let him go, let him go ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
After Tonight   1/28/2005

I look at you looking at me Feels like a feeling meant to be <br> And as your body moves with mine It's like I'm lifted out of time <br> And time again Patiently I've waited For this moment to arrive <br> After tonight Will you remember How sweet and tenderly You reached for me And pulled me closer <br> After you go ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Bliss   1/28/2005

Touch me baby It feels so amazing And you stimulate me And you make me want you More and more <br> What do I do What do I say Does it feel good To you this way I wanna be All that you need Boy what's your fantasy? <br> Better hold on, ready or not Baby my love ain't gonna stop Take it down low Make me get high <br> Ooh my love ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Outside   1/28/2005

It's hard to explain Inherently, it's just always been strange <br> Neither here nor there <br> Always somewhat out of place everywhere <br> Ambiguous Without a sense of belonging to touch <br> Somewhere halfway Feeling there's no-one completely the same <br> Standing alone Eager to just believe It's ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Close My Eyes   1/28/2005

I was a wayward With the weight of the world That I held deep inside Life was a winding road And I learned many things Little ones shouldn't know <br> But I closed my eyes Steadied my feet on the ground Raised my head to the sky And though time's rolled by Still I feel like that As I look at the moon Maybe I grew up A little too soon <br> Funny ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Babydoll   1/28/2005

It 2:11 and I'm stressing Watching TV in my hotel suite <br> I check my service every second At 2:10 you still hadn't called me <br> So, I'm gonna leave my cell phone turned on in my bag by the bed <br> And before I fall asleep I guess I'll just check my machine <br> Go check it one more time Because, I'm obsessing ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Breakdown   1/28/2005

You called yesterday to basically say That you care for me But that you're just not in love <br> Immediately, I pretended to be feeling similarly And led you to believe <br> I was OK To just walk away from the one thing That's unyielding and sacred to me <br> Well, I guess I'm trying to be Non-chalant about it And I'm going ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Fourth Of July   1/28/2005

Trembling Starry eyed As you put your hand in mine <br> It was twilight On the fourth of July Sparkling colours Were strewn across the sky <br> And we sat close enough That we just barely touched <br> While roman candles Went soaring above us And baby <br> Then you put your hand in mine And we wandered away <br> ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
The Roof   1/28/2005

It wasn't raining yet But it was definitely a little misty On that warm November night <br> And my heart was pounding My inner voice resounding Begging me to turn away But I just had to see your face To feel alive <br> And then you casually walked in the room <br> And I was twisted In the web of my desire for you <br> My ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Underneath The Stars   1/28/2005

One summer night We ran away for a while Laughing, we hurried beneath the sky <br> To an obscure place to hide that no one could find And we drifted to another state of mind <br> And imagined I was yours and you were mine As we lay upon the grass There in the dark <br> Underneath the stars (Young love) Underneath the stars ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Alone In Love   1/28/2005

Swept me away But now I'm lost in the dark <br> Set me on fire But now I'm left with a spark <br> Alone, you got beyond the haze and I'm lost inside the maze <br> I guess I'm all alone in love <br> I look into your eyes You turn the other way And now I realize It's all a game you play <br> I hold you in the ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Vanishing   1/28/2005

If I could recapture All of the memories And bring them to life Surely I would <br> Hear the distant laughter Wasn't it you and me Surviving the night You're fading out of my sight Swiftly <br> You're vanishing Drifting away You're vanishing <br> I was so enraptured No sensibility To open my eyes I misunderstood <br> Now ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
There's Got To Be A Way   1/28/2005

Broken man without a home Desperate and so alone A victim of society No one really wants to see <br> Some of us don't even wonder Some of us don't even care Couldn't we just help each other Isn't there enough to share <br> There's got to be a way To connect this world today Come together to relieve the pain <br> There's got to be a way To ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Promise To Try   1/28/2005

Little boy don't you forget her face Laughing away your tears When she was the one who felt all the pain <br> Little boy never forget her eyes Keep them alive inside I promise to try it's not the same <br> Keep your head held high ride like the wind Never look behind, life isn't fair <br> That's what you said, so I try not to ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
This Way   1/28/2005

Something's missing and I don't know why I always feel the need to hide my feelings from you <br> <br> Is it me or you that I'm afraid of I tell myself I'll show you what I'm made of Can't bring myself to let you go <br> I don't want to cause you any pain But I love you just the same And you'll always be my baby <br> ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
A-Maze-ing   1/28/2005

You took a pretty picture and you smashed into bits Sank me into blackness and you sealed it with a kiss If only I could let you go Why do I need you so <br> <br> It’s amazing what a boy can do I cannot stop myself Wish I didn’t want you like I do Want you and no one else <br> You took a poison arrow and you aimed it at ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
My substitute for love   1/28/2005

I traded fame for love Without a second thought It all became a silly a game Some things cannot be bought <br> <br> I got exactly what I asked for Wanted it so badly Running, rushing back for more I suffered fools so gladly <br> And now I find I've changed my mind <br> The face of you My substitute for love My substitute ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Deeper   1/28/2005

I can't help falling in love I fall deeper and deeper the further I go Kisses sent from heaven above They get sweeter and sweeter the more that I know <br> When you know the notes to sing You can sing most anything That's what my mama told me Round and round and round you go When you find love you'll always know I let my father mold me <br> Daddy ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Candy Perfume Boy   1/28/2005

Young velvet porcelain boy Devour me when you're with me Blue wish window seas Speak delicious fires <br> <br> I'm your candy perfume boy Your candy perfume boy <br> <br> Moist warm desire Fly to me <br> <br> I'm your candy perfume boy candy perfume boy candy perfume boy Candy <br> Rush me ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Impressive Instant   1/28/2005

Universe is full of stars Nothing out there looks the same You're the one that I've been waiting for I don't even know your name <br> <br> I'm in a trance <br> I'm in a trance <br> Cosmic systems intertwine Astral bodies drip like wine All of nature ebbs and flows <br> Comets shoot across the sky Can't explain the ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
I'll remember   1/28/2005

Say good-bye to not knowing when The truth in my whole life began <br> Say good-bye to not knowing how to cry You taught me that <br> And I'll remember the strength that you gave me Now that I'm standing on my own <br> I'll remember the way that you saved me I'll remember <br> Inside I was a That could not mend a ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
For Me   1/28/2005

This guy was meant for me And I was meant for him This guy was dreamt for me And I was dreamt for him <br> <br> This guy has danced for me And I have danced for him This guy has cried for me And I have cried for him <br> <br> Many miles many roads I have traveled Fallen down on the way <br> Many hearts many ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
To The Web Master   1/28/2005

You wouldn't let me say the words I longed to say You didn't want to see life through my eyes <br> <br> You tried to shove me back inside your narrow room, And silence me With bitterness and lies <br> <br> Did I say something wrong? Oops, I didn't know I couldn't talk about sex (I musta been crazy) <br> Did I ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Forbidden love   1/28/2005

I don't Don't care it it's not right To have your arms around me <br> <br> I want To feel what it's like Take all of you inside of me <br> In your eyes Forbidden love In your smile Forbidden love In your kiss Forbidden love If i had one wish love would feel like this <br> I know That you're no good ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
I'm So Stupid   1/28/2005

'Cause I used to live In a fuzzy dream And I wanted to be Like all the pretty people <br> <br> I'm so stupid 'Cause I used to live In a fuzzy dream And I used to believe In the pretty pictures That were all around me But now I know for sure That I was stupid <br> Please don't try to tempt me It was just greed And it won't ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
In This Life   1/28/2005

Sitting on a park bench Thinking about a friend of mine He was only 23 Gone before he had his time It came without a warning Didn't want his friends to see him cry He knew the day was dawning And I didn't have a chance to say goodbye <br> In this life I loved you most of all What for? 'Cause now you're gone and I have to ask myself What for? What ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Love Song   1/28/2005

Je suis prête. Vous êtes prêts aussi? (I am ready. Are you ready also?) <br> <br> Are you wasting my time Are you just being kind Oh no baby, my love isn't blind <br> Are you wasting my time Are you just being kind Don't give me one of your lines <br> Say what you mean, mean what you say Don't go and throw our love away God ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
I Got You   1/28/2005

There are too many questions There is not one solution There is no resurrection There is so much confusion <br> And the love perfusion You make me feel You make me know <br> And the love vibration You make me feel You make it shine <br> There are too many options There is no consolation I have lost my illusions What I want is ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Inside of Me   1/28/2005

I can't stop thinking of you The things we used to do The secrets we once shared I'll always find them there In my memories <br> <br> But this heartache isn't going anywhere In the public eye I act like I don't care When there's no one watching me I'm crying <br> I will always have you, inside of me Even though you're gone Love still ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Mother & Father   1/28/2005

There was a time I was happy in my life There was a time I believed I'd live forever There was a time I prayed to Jesus Christ There was a time I had a mother It was nice <br> <br> Nobody else would ever take the place of you Nobody else could do the things that you could do No one else I guess could hurt me like you did I didn't understand, I was just ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Love Tried to Welcome Me   1/28/2005

These are my hands, but what can they give me? These are my eyes, but they cannot see <br> <br> These are my arms, but they don't know tenderness And I must confess <br> That I am usually drawn to sadness And loneliness has never been a stranger to me, but <br> Love tried to welcome me But my soul drew back Guilty of ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Intervention   1/28/2005

I got to save my baby Because he makes me cry I got to make him happy I got to teach him how to fly <br> <br> I want to take him higher Way up like a bird in the sky I got to calm him down now I want to save his life <br> And I know that love will change us forever And I know that love will keep us together And I know, I know There is ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Miss You   1/27/2005


0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
Adlerschwert 62 M
4  Articles
oh, copple   1/27/2005

Oh, copple, don´u know? <br> 1. young woman, don´u know: from ur lends will come He, Who will be ruler in JisraEl! <br> Don´ leave her lone, o man of Jehudah, cause from her will come The Lion, <br> the root of Jesse comes in sight. <br> 2. oh, copple of Jehudim, don´u know: <br> Unto us a is born, unto us a is given. ...

0 Comments, 36 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Tomorrow...   1/26/2005

I have a true friend, Loyal and loving, until our end... Many times he's made my ear bend While leaning over, wishing a kiss for him to send Emoticons, within chatrooms, are great But, me thinks, soon I'd rather meet my fate... Prepare him a plate Of not food, but love to share forever As he believes me to be always 'clever' I'm not...just sincere with all we'll endeaver ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
Adlerschwert 62 M
4  Articles
prodiga    1/26/2005

Since hundrets of years ago my family became strangers in the world They stopped theire faith in God and left the synagogue to live like everyone. The church became theire home part protestant, part Rome. They left the One alone. <br> refr. Prodigal without any root like roses in desert, less flowers, more thorns. <br> They started keeping swine and ...

1 Comments, 61 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Happiness   1/23/2005

I feel as though I'm blessed, by heaven above, Security, without scrutiny...God, is this True Love? He did not allow me to leave He did not allow me to force him out He's done nothing but to make me believe Yes, he's the one I've searched for, I shout! <br> A Leo, a Sagitarian both fire signs Together we've stood nose to nose, only to end with sighs... A Rabbit, a Dragon, ...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...We Shared...   1/23/2005

He had to go Into the depths of my mind Trustingly, we explored new areas-to and fro Of both mine, then, his in kind And that which was found We shared, Lovingly-yes-tenderly we loved and cared... <br> He continues to please me And I have been given the key To always unlock his thoughts... And he lovingly leaves with me Memories anew, memories we've shared and ...

0 Comments, 42 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Thief of hearts   1/22/2005

Bitch! You're a thief of hearts and now you'll have to pay How many licks does it take? <br> You're a thief of hearts and now you'll have to pay Which leg do you want me to break? You'll be sorry <br> Here she comes, little miss thinks she can have what she wants In a blink of an eye <br> Here she comes, acts like she's your best ...

2 Comments, 28 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Gimme one more chance   1/22/2005

I turned around too late to see the fallen star I fell asleep and never saw the sun go down <br> <br> I took your love for granted Thought luck was always on my side I turned around too late and you were gone <br> So give me one more chance Darlin' if you care for me Let me win your love 'Cause you were always there for me If you care for ...

1 Comments, 23 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
penandink 70 F
3  Articles
If When   1/17/2005

If When I go to Iraq And If When I get captured And If When the dull knife is at my throat I intend to look directly in the eyes of my Brothers/Sisters directly into their souls and with all the Peace and Love I can possibly portray as they begin to saw I will wish him/her them with all my heart a sincere Shalom Which will probably only infuriate ...

2 Comments, 43 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Till Death Do Us Part   1/13/2005

Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't if you don't <br> Our luck is running out of time You're not in love with me anymore I wish that it would change, but it won't 'cause you don't love me no more <br> You need so much but not from me Turn your back in my hour of ...

1 Comments, 20 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Skin   1/13/2005

Do I know you from somewhere Why do you leave me wanting more Why do all the things I say Sound like the stupid things I said before? <br> <br> Kiss me I'm dying Put your hand on my skin <br> I close my eyes I need to make a connection I'm walking on a thin line I close my eyes, I close my eyes <br> Do I know you from somewhere ...

2 Comments, 21 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Nobody Knows Me   1/13/2005

I've had so many lives Since I was a And I realise How many times I've died <br> I'm not that kind of guy Sometimes I feel shy I think I can fly Closer to the sky <br> No one's telling you how to live your life But it's a setup until you're fed up <br> This world is not so kind People trap your mind It's so hard to find ...

2 Comments, 21 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
MazeLewis 51 M
58  Articles
Nothing Fails   1/13/2005

I'm in love with you, you silly thing Anyone can see <br> <br> What is it with you, you silly thing Just take it from me <br> It was not a chance meeting Feel my heart beating You're the one <br> You could take all this, take it away I'd still have it all <br> 'Cause I've climbed the tree of life And that ...

1 Comments, 11 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Lovingly Sharing...   1/10/2005

To love, without holding anything back... Truths, emotions, wants, desires- And all the while, we may prespire, Clutching onto our knapsacks- All to eventually become unraveled As we travel... Finding our most significant other Lovingly, sharing Unconditional Love's cover, A blanket, warm and secure- Trustingly, we unload our knapsacks, With heads resting on a pillow, warm and ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Thinking....Naught   1/9/2005

Once a cheater, always a cheater... Never, have I thought, Once a flirter, always a flirt.. Always, I've been taught!, Teasing, joking, sharing dreams, Always getting caught!, Happily greeting even those thinking of naught Sometimes deleting those very thoughts... A deserter- I am not!, A flirter- Although I may seem naught... A dreamer- Always, I've been caught!, A thinker- ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
A Mind....   1/5/2005

Aah, all snowed in, yet filled with Anticipation That an unconditional love, bliss, Forgiveness is Coming my way, yes, perhaps on this very day! <br> Having been untrue, cruel, a nightmare To all those seeking only a bossom, with a stare Disregarding that beneath this red hair Is a mind, and ever so kind Trying to differenciate insightful-from the blind <br> ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Tears?   1/4/2005

So, he has a room mate... I'm to clearly understand, never was his date, Jealousy... He must clearly comprehend, even if it's late, Zealously... I have tried to be his one and only fate, Zestfully, I await to be someone's True Destiny! Unconditionally... With mutual fulfillment of our needs- Shared by only, we two- Never provoking anything like "boo-hoo"!! (

0 Comments, 21 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Shuga' Pants-Let's Dance! (Revised Jan.2,2004)   1/2/2005

Much to my demise, I had another horrible surprise... For I had written an enticing poem, For all to read and review at home... I did submit it, but did forget- A title-then lost it! Oh, troublesome, but I shall never quit, For as long as I hear his music! <br> "C'mon, Shuga'Pants.... Listen.........Let's dance!!!!!!!" <br> Dropping, at times, granules of ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
The Clock....   12/31/2004

...and Happy New Year to you... Another empty midnight, another rendezvous, My Renaissance man, a respected Mitropoulos- Who's tutelage Takes me from aah to Ab to Monique to zwieback ...All the while, our love dancing to zydeco... The woman within me cries where'd he go???? <br> The clock keeps ticking With our snuggery now empty -no longer kicking-My soul searching for ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...I'll Repeat Again...   12/29/2004

And, allow me to clarify: I'll not purr with -BiggMamaZ-, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For you are not only she, But, rather, I'll repeat again... -My Jen- <br> How regal, this gentleman can be.... And it is he That may command my desires- Acapella, is now within my soul, Filled with warming harmony aglow.... Firing my newly lit heart, Now bright with our love- ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
My Soulmate... my Leo!   12/26/2004

Angrily, initially, he spoke his indignations... Taking notice, also, of his honesty, Tears, gazing up searching Haley's consternation This Sagitarian saw Leo's eyes were crusty- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <br> His roars are loud and long-greaving-I know, Demanding his due respect This Sagitarian desires to do what he expects- Trustworthiness, honesty, ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Blending (revised 12/25/2004)   12/25/2004

I return to his cabin, my candle already lit, Kind Sir, have you a cabin bouy? What will he say, this black/grey bearded pirate, What will he do-play me as a harmonica, a toy? <br> I hope so, at least for starters, This will serve to make us all the more smarter.. What does he want, to play one note at a time, Or to hear me in complete harmony... My love remaining ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
A Gentleman (12/25/2004)   12/25/2004

I can hardly believe it still! He spoke with pen and not quill... I understood not, why I could quiet And screamed for him to deny it! For he had been sound asleep, Now admittedly seen as innocent! <br> He continued with his quiet manner, Speaking, only of that what matters... Two souls, alone, each in need of company.... One saddened, The other offering to ...

0 Comments, 32 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
...Never Too Late... (revised 12/25/2004jz)   12/25/2004

Having met a pirate... Discovered when the candles, first lit... This man, whom I have grown to adore, Standing, before me, upon opening the door.... Gasping, to find the right words, He smiles, and sits at the table, Peering into my eyes, like a hawk or an eagle, esquisette birds! <br> These eyes are experience, A challenge, I did not suspect deliverence, From this ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Dreams   11/20/2004

I am a dreamer... Not being, a Hall of Famer I try to find truth, the whole-nothing leaner Is there Love? Knowing what it is, feeling it, sensing it, touching it, experiencing it, living it, loving it, crying with it, dying with it....knowing all along-it's only in my head..... I return to bed! <br> I am here to share dreams I am here to find an everlasting love I am ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Endless Love-Ta!   11/6/2004

Searching for love, is an endless journey... Trying to create an unconditional love- Whose qualities are as forthcoming as allowed me Comparitivily, understandingably, unquestionably Torah guides thy, ta- honestly, thee <br> Traveling within my mind, to unknown cultures I seek friendships, responsibly, endlessly Searching for my One and Only Stopping occationally to ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
A Common Man...   10/28/2004

He was not a gentleman about it He hid not a clue... He was on the prowell...causing me to become UNGLUED!!!!!!!!!!!! If I choose, I will profanatise him... From here to Kingdom Come.... Killing my love, is what he's about to do My treasured bear smells of pooh, pooh! I'll never again call him honey..... For he's too much a jacked rabbit bunny- Ain't that forever funny? He ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Mercy   10/12/2004

I thanked him for his mercy Knowing all along he'd say Oh, was a pleasure, enjoyed indeed... And I thank you for allowing me, this day! But no...he only said, while on his way... I must continue my journies It's late and I've not much time To wait for further annotations, surely... You understand my needs, to delay me is a crime... There are others on my list That long to be ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
What's The Use ???   9/22/2004

I quite simply am giving up After six months, of unreciprocated love... I, now realise that, I'm replaced with not a cat but pup... She can have him, along with the intermittant others! But, beware!!- he cares not for true love, and rather Prefers, to also insult even her brothers Whose purpose in life is to protect her From joksters... That for no rhyme nor reason, Declare all ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
....Carrying On's....   9/14/2004

Alas, here I am, alone And mean to the bone... For my intended fellow, is headed towards the devil! He can't commit, and uuuuuuu what fits At that recommendation There's no longer any jubilation! <br> Frustrating, yes.....ending the world, NO! I'll just, once again go To seek another who lives to know That I, BiggMamaZ, will be true to Yet, another HE! <br> ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Iced Eyes   9/10/2004

Iced eyes... They're pearcing...they burn With, still the yearn To find unconditional love Bestowed upon us by heaven above.... They dare not still cry As the waters have not enough salt To stop the freezing, lest I die..... But, alas, I somersault To arise, with yet a better desguise...... I am not an eagle, nor a hawk Nor, do I intend for anyone to balk I am me... born ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
BLENDING   9/2/2004

I return to his cabin, my candle already lit, Kind Sir, have you yet a cabin bouy? What will say, this black bearded pirate, What will do, play me as a harmonica, a toy? <br> I hope so, at least for starters, This will serve to make us all the more smarter... What does he want, to play one note at a time Or to hear me in complete harmony My love remaining sublime ...

2 Comments, 17 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
No Longer Lumps   8/21/2004

No longer am I a lump on a log, I have filled with life... Wanting to share, all that I can... This love, with the one who brings to me, less strife And you may agree, be you woman or man I am in love...surrounded by fog! <br> A fog that keeps me safe For within it, no one can clearly see Why, these feelings of love stretching from sea to sea, Why, my breasts tingle, as ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 4 Votes ,4.80 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
OVERCAME...   8/12/2004

The eve of the divorce, 9/10/1994, this was written... I stopped writing, why, oh, I, then filled with smitten: <br> The lie is now the truth She and our belongings are now yours, The and I shall endur the weather Bewildered of The law and your lawyer brother... How a home so broken, Giving, our not a token to be spoken... You reach out, not with ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Braindead   8/10/2004

Braindead...what is that, Hateful, emotionless, incapable of luv? How depressing it must be- to be so lost, A man without cause, shagrinned by God above, What sin is really lose luv-at what cost? <br> Forgive yourself, as have I The Great One above, never incurred such havoc We did it to ourselves...our self incurred punishment To live without luv To be ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 4 Votes ,4.80 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
Tentinabulation   8/6/2004

For every action... There's a reaction.... For every reaction..... Need not be of another action. For every man...... There's a woman. For every woman....... There's love, shared with a man. For every has his day........ I heard someone say, one day. For every moutain......... Once was a hill. For atop every hill......... As with love, there's room for growth, surpassing ...

0 Comments, 6 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
FAIR   8/5/2004

Fair? You said Fair? Fair what?, Fair for whom? Within this room? To be left, without gloom? Tonight, I'll speak of no upcomig tomb of doom. <br> Let us fill this room, more with what is right. For everyone, for us. Fret not about what has been, rather, let's do this right Yes, tonight... For blessed is he who shares...rightful bliss with just. A clear Soul...bears ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
SILENCE   8/4/2004

Helloooooooooo, new friend, And, I promise to leave you in a grin. Be not afraid, For I do not degrade.... Never to shagrin, For, I'm rarely in a fray. <br> God has brought us into this day, Yes, to pray..... But, remain on our knees..... Temporarily...... For we must walk the path of rightousness, good works-done onto others....... For you, and I, ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
emotions   8/3/2004

What is Love, if not a whirlwind of emotions Images within our heads, frequently setting our motions Speedily, other times lethargicly We attempt to control that one notion Within our heads, leading us to our beds <br> He loves me, he loves me not, what exactly do I want? Who cares, who knows, I'm hungry for a creusant, Depressed you say? No not today! I just want ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
LOVE   8/3/2004


0 Comments, 3 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
biggmamaz 60 F
156  Articles
DOUBT   8/2/2004

To be or not to be, not a question.... But rather, an insinuation of doubt, I cry...not with tears, but suggestion, Question not your heart, scream out with shout.... My love, is unlike any other Sagitarians' <br> It is quiet, yet loud with excitement... Never standing still as it always grows.... With you it is true, seemingly teasing with enticement..... But, everyone ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score