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Articles by penandink

penandink 70 F
3  Articles
Gay   1/22/2005

Looking thru profiles ...I never realized how many men are looking for men.... How are you guys doing on here...better then me I hope. realistic is the show Will and Grace...I'm th

0 Comments, 61 Views, 0 Votes
penandink 70 F
3  Articles
consider this   1/20/2005

All this trying to click...spark.. It gets overwhelming...depressing...exhausting.. sometimes feeling like..What's the use... lets ponder... Life is passing by... Why sit home sighi

0 Comments, 60 Views, 0 Votes
penandink 70 F
3  Articles
If When   1/17/2005

If When I go to Iraq And If When I get captured And If When the dull knife is at my throat I intend to look directly in the eyes of my Brothers/Sisters directly into their s

0 Comments, 43 Views, 0 Votes