Cleanness of soul and heart is the main moment of my life. Tenderness, kindness and sincerity are my friends in life. You can fell free while speaking to me and breathe easily near me. I will give you not only attention, but tenderness, care and endless love. I know life, I love life in all its expressions, as I am optimist in life and I always believe just in the best!
I have graduated from the School of Music, and one of my hobbies is playing musical instruments. As well as sport, every morning light jogging helps me to feel myself greatly all the day long!.
My Ideal Person
I am looking for a man who is also sure in these simple life values as I am. I need someone who will take care about me and will value my tenderness and romanticism. It's very important for me to feel safe next to my man, I need a strong and brave person, who will be able to defend me and at the same time he should beid very kind and careful with me.. And as a reply I will give him the biggest love which is possible to find in this world!