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I am a cool dool
 Standard Member

Last Visit: More than 3 months
Member Since: January 16, 2006

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akshaygchauhan's Information:
Gender:   Woman
Birthdate:   August 1, 1969
(54 years old)
Lives in:   chekkeng, chek keng, Hong Kong
Height:   167-170 cm
Body Type:   Slim/Petite
Smoking:   I'm a heavy smoker
Drinking:   I'm a light/social drinker
Ethnicity:   Hispanic
Speaks:   English
Education:   Associate degree (2 years college)
Marital Status:   Separated
Occupation:   business
Religion:   Christian
Synagogue:   Daily
Kosher:   Sometimes
Have Children:   No
Want Children:   Yes

54 year old Woman in chekkeng, chek keng, Hong Kong Looking For: Women

Profile for akshaygchauhan
I prefer it one-on-one. I like being with one person but not for ever, not even for a long time.

My Ideal Person
So if anyone is interested in a short term relationship, she should contact me, else excuse.

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